Forever Clear BBL / Acne
Forever Clear BBL can be the right treatment for men and women of all ages who experience active acne breakouts, inflammation, and acne scars. Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively kill acne-causing bacteria. BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device, delivering light energy deep into your skin to help treat acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, radiant skin.
What it Treats
Forever Clear BBL acne treatment targets the sebaceous glands and kills acne-causing bacteria. It also speeds up the healing process of existing breakouts and scars, helps prevent future breakouts while stimulating your skin cells to regenerate and using Skintyte to help shrink oil glands.
Completely non-invasive
Shrinks oil glands
A quick and easy in-office treatment
No downtime
Clearer skin / less acne
Minimized pores
Reduce redness caused by acne